Celebrity DiSC style activity

Discover the concept of DiSC people-reading and spark fun conversation

Objective: Help your learners hone their people-reading skills, and spark some fun, lighthearted discussion around the different traits associated with each of the DiSC styles.

Prerequisites: General familiarity with DiSC, can be done with groups of all sizes

Materials: Physical or virtual posters/slides, sticky notes (optional)

Time required: 25-45 minutes


  1. Review information about DiSC people-reading with your learners. Make sure they understand the two basic scales and four primary DiSC quadrants.
  2. Select 4-6 different well-known celebrities. Make sure you include a couple of examples that each generation represented in the room will recognize.
  3. Write the names of each of these celebrities on separate sheets of poster paper and hang them up in the room. You can also put them on separate slides and project them on a whiteboard or wall. Better yet, add pictures of each of them! If you’re facilitating virtually, you can set up a virtual whiteboard with each of the names and pictures or create a slideshow of them. 
  4. Pass out sticky notes to each member of the room. 
  5. Start with your first celebrity. Introduce the celebrity and give a few facts about them so that members of the room who aren’t familiar with them will have some background knowledge. You can also ask learners who are familiar with them to describe their persona/public personality traits. Be sure to include some facts or quotes that might be indicative of their DiSC style.
  6. Have each learner practice their people-reading skills! Ask them to write which DiSC style they think this celebrity is on their sticky note, and stick them to that celebrity’s poster/slide. If you’re facilitating virtually, you can either have learners type directly on a virtual whiteboard, or just facilitate a verbal discussion. 
  7. Read out the different styles the learners chose. 
  8. Facilitate some group discussion about why your learners chose the styles they did. You can use the sample questions provided, or come up with your own!
  9. Repeat steps 4-8 for each of the celebrities you selected. 
  10. (Optional) Ask your learners to suggest celebrities they think fit the styles that weren't represented during the activity, and why they think that.

Sample questions:

  • Why do you think this celebrity has the style you chose?
  • Does the celebrity do anything on their press tours or on social media that made you select this style?
  • Are there certain behaviors you’ve seen from this celebrity that make you think they might be a different style?