DiSC bingo

Teach DiSC concepts while getting learners moving and interacting

Objective: Help people share more in-depth details about their DiSC® style.

Prerequisites: This activity is designed to be used after participants have been introduced to their primary DiSC styles. Works best in groups of 6+ people.

Materials: Paper or digital bingo board handouts and pens.

Download our DiSCussion bingo boards!

Time required: ~30 minutes


  1. Distribute a bingo board to each of your DiSC session participants. Make sure they know the object of the game. The first person who gets 5 squares in a row signed by other learners wins. Remind your learners that while they're aiming to fill 5 squares in a row, they are encouraged to have meaningful discussions along the way!
  2. Have your learners travel around the room and start one-on-one conversations with other session participants. 
  3. One partner should look at the other partner's bingo board. They should identify 1-2 squares on this person's board that they identify with.
  4. Then, they should discuss the following questions:
    • Why do you identify with the traits in these squares?
    • How well does this align with what you know about your DiSC style? Does it fit perfectly? Is it more surprising given what you know about your style? Talk it out!
  5. The partner should then sign their name in the squares they identified with to complete the sentence. For example, after adding a name, "is bubbly" would read "John is bubbly."
  6. Repeat this process with the 2nd partner.
  7. Have your learners go around the room and repeat steps 2-6 with multiple other individuals. 
  8. The first learner to get 5 squares signed in a row should shout, "BINGO!"
  9. If it doesn't take long for one of your learners to win, you may want to consider doing multiple rounds of this activity!