Assigning Access Codes in Catalyst

Assigning codes for Everything DiSC on Catalyst is almost the same as assigning Access Codes for any profile in EPIC. Watch the video or read the instructions below to get started.


Go to Manage Reports | Create New Report/Issue Access Codes | Assign Access Codes

Select Everything DiSC, then Catalyst: Everything DiSC.

Click Next.



You’ll now be asked to enter the name of your learner’s organization.

If your learners are from a large organization, you should double-check that you’re assigning them to the correct organization. Sometimes people only want to be able to compare with other learners in their location or division.



If EPIC doesn’t already have your organization listed, just click the + Add option that appears at the top of the list.



When you add an organization, it is visible to all EPIC users that have the Workplace on Catalyst product in their account.


The next screen confirms your report selection and allows you to select a folder and/or schedule your email(s) to your learner(s).

Use one of the three available methods to add learners who will receive a Catalyst Access Code Email to complete their online assessment.


EPIC: Use existing report


Enter Individual: Enter an email address and a name for a learner; then click Add. Use this option for learners that have not completed an Everything DiSC assessment in the past.

Import from Excel: Click Upload to upload and import a list of learners. The file must be an Excel worksheet (.xls or .xlsx). You can download a template on the Import Respondents tab. See Importing learner names.

Use Existing Report: Click Search to locate and select learners with completed Everything DiSC access codes.

When using an existing report to create a new Catalyst access code, the learner will not be required to take the DiSC portion of the assessment again. Their previous DiSC style scores will be used in the new report. When using a completed DiSC Classic report to create a Catalyst access code, the learner’s name and email address are carried forward, and the learner will complete the entire assessment. Use this option to upgrade existing learners and qualify for applicable discounts. Download Workplace on Catalyst™ Upgrades in EPIC.


In the example below, the first two people have already taken a qualifying assessment and will not require the use of any EPIC credits. Team Member’s profile will cost 15 credits. Sample Member is being added without using an existing report and will also be charged.


Add Respondents screen


Select the organization confirmation checkbox below the respondent list.


organization confirmation checkbox


Click Assign Access Codes.

Click OK to confirm the credit deduction.

Click OK to customize the email to learners or click Cancel to have send the default email message. The confirmation page displays a summary of the product you just created, the learners who will receive an email, and EPIC credit activity associated with this transaction.

If you want to be able to search for Respondents by organization in the future, use the folders options when creating Access Codes. You can also add or remove reports and profiles from folders by going to Manage Your Account | Folder Maintenance.

A list of your organizations can be found under Manage Your Account | Manage My Organizations. You can add organizations or edit them (modify name, change location, or add logo) from this menu.